Unlimited Traders (Now with Toggle version)

Starfield Mods |

Unlimited Traders (Now with Toggle version)

Makes traders have endlessly refreshing money and inventory.
Toggle version in optional files.

Tired of trying to find places to sell gear? Find waiting in place until trader has more money a waste of time?
This will make all traders instantly refresh their money.
If the trader has 5000 credits, and you sell something for 300 credits this mod’s failed math classes say its still 5000 credits remaining.
Items available will also refresh instantly.

New version that allows you to toggle in optional files.

Without modding tools I cannot make a specific number for trader funds.

Install Instructions
Space has been added between “sStartingConsoleC” AND “ommand”. This must be removed if you copypaste from here.
Make a manual save before using.
Drop the OPTRADER.txt file into your Starfield installation folder (the one with starfield.exe in it)

If you do not have a StarfieldCustom.ini yet, place the one included in the .zip into your Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\My Games\Starfield Folder

If you do have one just add:[General]sStartingConsoleC ommand=bat OPTRADER

If you already have something in sStartingConsoleC ommand= just add “;bat OPTRADER” (NO QUOTES) to the end of that line

Delete OPTRADER.txt
Remove “sStartingConsoleC ommand=bat OPTRADER” from StarfieldCustom.ini
Load manual save you made before installing.

Author: oogabooga66
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