Vasco Variants
This mod lets you change Vasco’s appearance to your choice of six Model A robot skins.
Currently the skins are:
Model A 01 – Civilian Robot Skin
Ryujin – A Ryujin Themed Skin
Ryujin Stealth – A Dark Black Themed Skin
NASA- A NASA Themed Skin
Model A 02 – Civilian Robot Skin
Neon Party Bot – A purple and pink Neon theme
Pixel Camo – Green Forrest Camouflage
Pixel Camo Urban – Grey/Blue Urban Camouflage
Constellation- Default skin with constellation Logo
Clean – Default skin with logos removed
White- Simply all white
You can pick whichever one you like to download. Currently only one skin can be active at a time.
Extract the zip and copy the contents of the Data folder into Documents\MyGames\Starfield\Data
Steam Setup
Make sure you have StarfieldCustom.ini in Documents\My Games\Starfield with the following lines:
Gamepass Setup
In the Starfield.ini found in C:\XboxGames\Starfield\Content put the following lines under [Archive] :