YF-937 – Queen Hornet – a massive yet sleek ship inspired by Lamborghini’s design philosophy
The design philosophy of this ship is to create a massive vessel with all the amenities, yet maintain a sleek and compact appearance at first glance. Taking inspiration from Lamborghini designs, it embodies versatility across various roles while retaining a visually appealing profile. As a ‘Yellow Jacket-of-all-trades,’ pardon the pun, it is currently 80 meters in length (max size) and 70 meters in width.
This version of the ship is designed for high-level players, assuming all Piloting and Ship Design perks are unlocked. However, it’s still possible to construct the ship without these perks by substituting high-end components as needed. Build costs may range from 350,000 to 990,000 credits, depending on the components used.
Internally, the ship offers vast and spacious accommodations, with almost all HABs modules installed, except for three: the Mess Hall (designed for a crew of a hundred, rather than just ten), Cargo Hall (considered aesthetically unpleasing and non-functional), and Battlestation (which duplicates the functionality of the Control Room but with a larger footprint).
The ship’s interior is designed to be consistent and as navigable as possible. However, the placement of doors and ladders can be somewhat inconsistent. I’ve made efforts to minimize this by designing the ship in a way that guides doors and ladders to specific locations, but it’s still somewhat random due to the algorithm. Please see this link for a gallery containing interior layout design.
I recommend building this ship at a shipyard in your own outpost, as it will have 90% of the required parts, with only a few unique manufacturer-specific pieces missing. If you prefer to build it all at once, you can consult the part references and acquire the unique components first, constructing a temporary ship comprised solely of those parts and flying it back to your outpost. No mods were used during the build process, so you can replicate this on Xbox as well, if for some reason, you are a console player on Nexus mods…
The mod files are high-res images with detailed guide and parts description/reference of how you can build this ship in your own game. The design is streamlined and should be very easy to replicate and even make modifications without changing the aesthetics of the ship too much.
Please don’t hesitate to leave any questions you may have, and I’ll do my best to address them.